Real Property Management Baton Rouge

Do You Want Your Security Deposit Back? 5 Habits That Will Help

If you are on a similar note with most renters, you sure want to get your security deposit back when you move out. But, did you know that one of the substantial measures to safeguard that you do, is good property maintenance? Property repairs are among the chief causes Prairieville property managers withhold security deposit funds primarily. So it stands to reason to reduce the number of potential repairs that will need to be executed after you move out. You can certainly develop habits as a renter to see to it that you leave the property in tip-top condition and, more particularly, that you will get your security deposit refunded in full.

Document Everything

Getting your security deposit back essentially starts before you move into your new rental home! It has something to do with the fact that the condition of the house before you move in is not your responsibility, but take note, that if there is no record of pre-existing damage, your landlord may be able to blame things on you. That is why, before you move in, you should walk slowly through every room of your new home and document every aspect of its condition. Various landlords will offer a walk-through checklist, which you should fill out and keep a copy of. Nevertheless, even if they don’t, make notes concerning any existing damage, without considering how small, and potential repair and maintenance items are. In like manner, take photos of everything in your notes! If a dispute does unfold, this will be clear evidence to support your case.

Regular Deep Cleaning

One of the necessary things you can do to guarantee you get your security deposit back is to clean your rental home consistently. The longer you stay in a home, the more important it will be to keep up with your cleaning regimen. Even though surface cleaning will keep most of the grime at bay in the short term, regular deep cleanings are necessary if you plan to stay in your rental home long-term. Deep cleaning should include scrubbing grout, wiping down kitchen cabinets and ceiling fans, cleaning appliances (fridge, oven, microwave, and dishwasher), and dealing with basic appliance maintenance. Aside from that, make certain to clear hair from drains, change light bulbs, and dust blinds and ceiling fans. Dealing with these tasks often will help make sure your landlord doesn’t withhold any portion of your security deposit for cleaning after you’re gone.

Decorate with Care

Another course of action to enhance your chances of getting your entire security deposit back is to be careful when you decorate your rental home. Making more holes in the walls or making other permanent changes to the property can contribute to more financially excessive repairs after moving out, all of which you will be held responsible for. Instead of utilizing nails or screws to hang up your décor items, it’s better to deal with non-marking, removable fasteners. These hooks can hold items of varying weights and sizes and characteristically can be removed without damaging the wall.

Consider using coasters or pads underneath table legs, couches, and other huge items to protect your floors while moving furniture in or out. Floor damage is certainly common and quite expensive to repair. But certainly, by planning and having the right supplies, you can avoid gouging or scraping floors, or tearing carpet when moving furniture around.

Minimize Damage

If you have kids or pets living in your rental with you, it’s key to do as much as possible to minimize any damage they may bring about. Both children and pets can be cumbersome on a home’s painted walls and other surfaces, which spells out taking a few extra precautions. You might choose to position furniture or other items against the walls to preserve them from scrapes, scratches, and stains. Rugs can help protect floors and offer a soft place for your little ones to enjoy. Or, it may be also practical to designate certain areas of the house for pets or playtime so that any damage to walls or floors is limited to some rooms. Administer quality cleaning materials, for illustration, and magic erasers to resolve scuffs and rogue scribbles.

Communication is Key

Last but certainly not least, it’s basic to communicate often and honestly with your landlord. It may seem counterintuitive to alert your landlord when maintenance issues are developing in the home, but still, it’s really smart. When you tell your landlord about maintenance issues early on, they can fix them right away. Performing maintenance or minor repairs can help fend off major repairs after a while. Supplementarily, any damage noticed after you move out is your responsibility; but it’s true that during your lease, the landlord normally pays for repairs while you still live in the home. By reporting maintenance issues, you can better warrant you will get your whole security deposit back after moving out.


Are you earnestly looking to move? Real Property Management Baton Rouge will be happy to help! Contact us today or check out our listings online.


Originally Published on April 16, 2021